Introduction to Open Access Publishing and the Cambridge University Press OA Submission Process (Webinar)

活動日期: 2024/05/22(三)

時間:113/5/22 15:00-16:00  認證時數:0小時 

地點:Webex meetings


聯絡人:柯俊如 02-82377064


講座姓名:Trainer from Cambridge University Press

講座現職:Trainer from Cambridge University Press

To encourage more researchers to submit their papers to open access journals, and to make their research outputs more quickly visible to others, NCCU Library began offering Open Access journal submission discounts last year. Currently, four publishers offer discounts on article processing charges (APCs), either waiving them entirely or offering a 10% discount. In this course, a Cambridge University Press instructor will introduce the benefits of open access journals, as well as the OA submission guideline for researchers when submitting their papers.


- Publish Open Access with Cambridge – Open Access in CUP, Transformative Agreements, Benefits of OA.

- Peer review and Author journey – Writing Tips, CUP Publishing Workflow, Peer Review Process

- How to promote the article – Why promote, how to use social media to promote your articles.

We collect your personal information like name, student/faculty number and email address for the use of registration check and data analysis. Your personal information will be protected carefully and will be deleted one year after. If you register and attend the training, we will take it as consent to use your personal information.


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生

