Mind, Media, and Machines: Exploring the Psychological and Communication Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence.

活動日期: 2024/04/16(二)

時間:113/04/16 12:10-13:30  認證時數:0小時 

地點:商學院玉山國際廳 (商學院260104)


聯絡人:翁珮恒 0229393091分機69117



講座姓名:Sunny Xun Liu(劉迅)

講座現職:Research Scholar and Director of Research at Stanford Social Media Lab

Lecture Introduction:
Join us to explore the complex interplay between AI technologies and human psychological and social processes. The talk will discuss AI's role in shaping information ecosystems, its impact on mental health, its ethical considerations, and the future of AI in communication research.

Speaker: Sunny Xun Liu(劉迅)
The Research Director at Stanford Social Media Lab. She has served on the Chinese Communication Association’s Steering Committee as the ICA and AEJMC Co-Conference Chair, in addition to PRISM’s steering committee member. Her research focuses on the effects of social media and AI on society and psychology, the impact of social robots, AI design on human perceptions, and digital literacy.

Host: 林翠絹(Trisha Lin)
Professor, College of Communication and Internation College of Innovation(joint appointment)
Director of GCIT 全創碩學程主任

★The event provides refreshments for registered attendees. 活動提供小點心於報名聽眾。


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生 校外人士 退休人員

