活動日期: 2024/04/22(一)
時間:2024年04月22日 10:00 - 13:00 認證時數:3小時
聯絡人:李潔怡 0229393091分機62572
聯絡人:李潔怡 0229393091分機62572
泰國的宋干節(Songkran Festival)是泰國最具代表性和最重要的傳統宗教節日之一,通常在泰曆新年(4月13日至15日)期間慶祝。宋干節以水戰為特色,人們用水互相慶祝新年的到來,象徵著洗去前一年的罪孽,開啟新一年的好運。除了水戰外,還有宗教儀式、探訪親友以及與其相關的儀式和活動。宋干節是泰國人團聚歡樂、共同慶祝的節日,也吸引了許多國內外遊客體驗這項獨特的泰國文化。
The Songkran Festival in Thailand is one of the most representative and vital religious traditional festivals in the country, typically celebrated during the Thai New Year period (April 13th to 15th in the Thai lunar calendar). Songkran is characterized by water fights where people splash water on each other to welcome the New Year, symbolizing the cleansing of sins from the previous year and ushering in good luck for the new one. Besides the water fights, there are also various ceremonies and activities during Songkran. It is a time for Thai people to come together and for domestic and international tourists to experience this joyous celebration.
Chiang Mai is one of the most popular locations for celebrating the Songkran Festival in Thailand. The festivities in Chiang Mai are particularly vibrant, drawing a large number of tourists and participants. One of the most distinctive elements of the festival, reflecting the unique culture of the Lanna region, is the Chiang Mai flag (Tung). The Chiang Mai flag is not only a decorative item for the festival but also a reflection of the devout Buddhist beliefs of the local people. Decorating and adorning the flag is a gesture of respect to the Buddha and deceased ancestors, as well as a way to accumulate merit for one's future lives. This workshop not only offers the opportunity to participate in flag-making but also allows us to delve deeper into the culture, customs, and values of the ancient Lanna capital of Chiang Mai, experiencing its intricacies and relaxed beauty.