【Intern Program】中租迪和東協實習說明會/Chailease ASEAN Internship-歡迎僑外籍學生報名(現場提供本校學生履歷健診)

活動日期: 2021/05/12(三)

時間:12:00-13:30  認證時數:0小時 

地點:行大7-2會議室 (7F of Administration Building, Room 7-2)


聯絡人:黃郁文小姐 0229393091分機63296




講座現職:Chailease Holding – Department of HR Development

# GAIEP: Great ASEAN Internship and Employment Project

This internship is one of the important plan of GAIEP, specifically designed for ASEAN juniors who are currently studying in Taiwan. Our goal is to search for talented candidates with potential, and provide them with deep involvement into financial leasing industries, by attending our internship. For those who have outstanding performance during the internship period, we will further recommend them job opportunities after graduation.

# About Us: Chailease Holding

Chailease is the biggest financial leasing brand in Taiwan, by providing “rental instead of purchase” solution, we helped numerous of SMEs to catch up with their business chances. Other than business loan/leasing, we are also involved in personal payments, solar energy investments, car rental and insurance services. Chailease now have 5 subsidiaries in ASEAN countries. By transferring successful business model from Taiwan, we do not only interact with foreign companies, but also focus on introducing ourselves into the local market.

# Introduction:https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=415784739425527

# Type of Internship:https://www.104.com.tw/job/793nx


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生 校外人士

