Info Session: 「The Challenge and Reality Check of Studying in the U.S.」

活動日期: 2018/12/28(五)

時間:12L30-13:30  認證時數:0小時 

地點:綜合大樓北棟270104/General Building 270104 (North)


聯絡人:陸浩語 0229393091分機77589


講座姓名:Ms. Anny Lin

講座現職:Senior Academic Adviser, Carlson Undergraduate International Student Liaison

Ms. Anny Lin, Senior Academic Adviser, Carlson Undergraduate International Student Liaison from Minnesota University will visit NCCU on Decembre 28, 2018 to share the experience of the challenges & Reality check of Studying in the U.S. The experiences include :

1) Academic learning and structure. Inside and outside classroom learning differences. 2) Career preparation, career goals, and job search. 3) Stress, mental Health and self-care. 4) Soft skills (Networking, leadership, problem solving, dealing with difficult situations and people) and technical skills. 5) International Experience. 6) Challenges in making responsible and ethical decision.

*The session will be conducted in English. Limited light lunch will be provided during the session. So hurry up and sign up quick.


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生

