【留學講座】美國南加大Sol Price 公共政策學院

活動日期: 2018/10/31(三)

時間:12:30-13:30  認證時數:0小時 



聯絡人:吳佳欣 0229393091分機51372



講座姓名:Carol Rush

講座現職:南加大Sol Price 公共政策學院副院長


1.為提供學生出國留學資訊,社科院在10/31(三),舉辦美國南加大Sol Price 公共政策學院留學講座活動。
2.美國南加州大學 Sol Price公共政策學院簡介
The Sol Price School of Public Policy at USC is one of the most distinctive and highly regarded schools of its kind. U.S. News and World Report ranks the Price School number 2 among 282 schools of public affairs. In the specialty rankings within the public affairs field, the USC Price school ranks number 1 in the urban policy, number 3 in health policy, and number 4 in the public management and leadership. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people and their communities worldwide. We offer academic programs, do interdisciplinary research, and provide executive training in the following six fields:
· Urban planning
· Real estate development
· Public policy
· Public administration
· Nonprofit leadership and management
· Health policy and management

To learn more about the USC Price School of Public Policy, please visit https://priceschool.usc.edu/


報名資格: 教師 職員工 學生

