SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentSchedule of College of Commerce Elective Courses for Commerce Students
Course NameAdvanced Business Oral Training
Course TypeElective
PrerequisiteEnglish Writing、Writing and Oral Training、Writing and Oral Training I,Writing and Oral Training II
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

Course Schedule

*We adopt the 17+1-week system, but this arrangement is negotiable.

Prw: preview/FP: Final project



Activities and Assignments

Invested Time


Course Introduction; Warmers; Career Prospecting (CP) Phase 1

Independent research: Career Prospecting 1

4 or above


CP Phase 2

Résumé and CV: format and language


Sample Discussion 1; Assignment 1: Résumé and CV draft

4 or above


CP Phase 3 Roundtable Discussion (Group 1)

Covering Letter (CL) and Follow-up Letter (FUL)

Sample Discussion 2;

CL and FUL draft

Submission of Assignment 1

4 or above


CP Phase 3 Roundtable Discussion (Group 2)

Job Interview: Pre-interview Preparation

Experience sharing; Self-Intro. Practice

Project I: Job interview preparation i

4 or above


Job Interview: Skills and Trouble-Shooting II; Interview Types and Question Bank

Tricky Question Practice;

Project I: Job interview preparation ii

4 or above


Mini-Interview & Feedback

Personal Statement (Pers.S.)

Project I: Job interview preparation iii

4 or



Job Interview Simulation I

Assignment 2: Self-Evaluation

4 or above


Job Interview Simulation II

*Online Mock Group Interview

(To be Confirmed)

Assignment 2: Self-Evaluation

4 or above


Career Workshop 1

Video CV: Introduction & Samples

*Mock Individual Interview

(To be Confirmed)

Video CV proposal


5 or







Video CV: Work Week

Video CV Production

5 or above


Video CV Showcase & Feedback

Assignment 3: Peer-feedback

4 or



Business Meeting: participation & essential business vocabulary I

In-class Practice

4 or above


Business Meeting: chairing & essential business vocabulary II

In-class Practice; Project II preparation: An A&M meeting

4 or above


Business Meeting: handling confrontations & clarification

Negotiation in Business: Introduction & bargaining

Project II preparation: An A&M meeting

Project II preparation: choosing the role

4 or above


Negotiation in Business:

Language and Skills

Sample Videos

Research for Negotiation

Sample Discussion; scenario practice; Project II preparation: position statement preparation

4 or above


Negotiation in Business:

Probing & making counteroffers

scenario practice; Project II preparation: position statement preparation

5 or above


Final Project: The M&A Meeting Simulation

Assignment 4: Peer Evaluation

4 or above




*Optional Individual Consultation

Discussing résumé or CV or seeking help with reference


Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

To be announced in the first class meeting.


Course Requirements

1. Regular attendance is strictly required. Absence from TWO weekly sessions will result in failure to pass.

2. We will have a Moodle website for this course, so please visit it on a weekly basis and on the day before the class in case you miss important announcements.

3. Those who need to ask for leaves should notify the instructor through e-mail in advance. DO NOT simply ask your classmate to pass the request.

4. Please specify who you are and which class you are in in your e-mail. Also, use only English in your email message.

5. Punctuality is essential; Lateness of over FIVE minutes will be counted as a half absence.

6. Delayed or missed assignments are forbidden. Make-up assignments are downgraded by 10 percent.

7. Some oral tasks require drafts, which should be completed in advance and submitted in class.

9. The draft and visual aids file of each task MUST be submitted at the time the instructor specifies. Late submission will result in grade deductions of 5 to 20 percent.

10. Students are expected to preview the course materials and make full preparation for each task.

11. Every student is expected to attend the LAST weekly session in the final week; No leave or absence is excusable.

12. You are also expected to volunteer to take on some responsibilities and earn bonus points; such opportunities will be announced in class.

13. When the course is required to be offered online, students are expected to continue participating in class through video conferencing software, such as Webex, and virtual classroom, such as Moodle. Further details will be announced on Moodle when necessary.


Class Participation: 35%



Pair Work & Simulation Practice (5)


Assignments: 15%

Pair and Team Assignments (3)


Projects: 50 %

Business Brief


Policy Debate


*Bonus Points

Class Leader, Team Leader, or Competition Winners


Grading Rubrics


Very fluent speech; natural intonations and standard pronunciation; organized, coherent, and well-supported  content; able to form and elaborate personal perspective; very few usage errors; full cooperation with other team members; flawless body languages

A- →A


Near fluent speech; variations in intonations and almost standard pronunciation with a few errors; organized, coherent, and well-supported content; showing attempt to form personal perspective; some usage errors; full cooperation with other team members; near perfect body languages with a few



Near fluent speech but with some breaks; intonations flat and almost standard pronunciation with a few errors; less organized, coherent, or supported content; unclear personal perspective; some common usage errors; insufficient team match; a few adaptive gestures





Speech lacking fluency with breaks; intonations lacking in variations and major mispronunciations; content requires further support and incomplete in structure; lack of personal perspective; more than average number of usage errors; insufficient team match; unnatural body language


Failure to reach the required standard in most of the aspects of the project; required to improve the overall performance in the second attempt


Failure to reach the required standard in all of the aspects of the project; failure to submit the work on schedule

Textbook & Reference


No textbook is required. The course materials will be prepared by the instructor and will be distributed in class.

Urls about Course