SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentJunior Class A, Department of Economics Junior Class B, Department of Economics Senior Class A, Department of Economics Senior Class B, Department of Economics
Course NameAn Introduction to Game Theory (I)
InstructorHO SHIRLEY J.
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule

week 1: introduction to this course

17. Appendix: Mathematics (week 3)

2. Nash equilibrium: theory (week 4-5)

3. Nash equilibrium: illustrations(week 5-6)

4. Mixed strategy equilibrium(week 6)

week 7: midterm exam

5. Extensive games with perfect information: theory(week 8-9)

6. Extensive games with perfect information: illustrations(week 10-11)

7. Extensive games with perfect information: Extensions and Discussions(week 12-13-14)

8. Coalitional games and the core (week 15, 17)

week 18:  final exam

The average work load for this course is 3 hrs per week and there will be homeworks (15-20%) 

Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

My own RA


20-30% excercises and quizs.

70-80% midterm and final exams.

Textbook & Reference

1. (Main textbookOsborne, M. J. (2004). An introduction to game theory , Oxford university press.

2.  Gibbons, R. (1992). A primer in game theory.

3. Binmore, K. (1992). Fun and games. A text on game theory.


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