SemesterFall Semester, 2023
DepartmentProgram(undergraduate level)
Course NameEnglish Elective:Essay_Writing(ETP)
Course TypeElective
Course Objective
Course Description
Course Schedule



Due Today

Course Topics and Assigned ReadingsMaterial to Prepare

Course content



Homework + See “Materials Covered”



This course starts TODAY

  • Syllabus

  • Moodle

  • About the course

  • Writing email

  • Course motivations and goals

  • Punctuation

  • Purchase textbook

  • Write email in Moodle Assignment (Due Week 3)




  • AAG 1 , 2 & 5

  • Strong Body Paragraphs Handout

  • Bailey 1.10

  • Quiz on syllabus & Moodle

  • Writing process

  • Paragraphs

  • Description paragraph: in-class writing

  • At LEAST read AAG 1 (pp. 19-20)



Email to Cheryl

  • AAG 1

  • Bailey 1 . 1

  • The Essay and Its Parts

  • Background to Writing

  • Read Chapter 6

  • Do exercises 1, 2, 3



AAG 6:

Exercises 1, 2, 3

AAG Unit 6


  • Outline handouts

  • AAG 2 & 6


  • The Writing Process

  • Outlines

  • Essay Assignment

  • Thesis and outline

  • Post your exemplification thesis statement to Moodle Forum by Sunday

  • Give feedback on at least 3 by Tuesday

  • Exemplification outline




  • Thesis Statement Forum

  • Exemplification Outline Moodle upload

  • AAG 6

  • Introducing Peer Review: Nobody Writes Alone (video)

  • Peer Review

  • Thesis statements and outline

  • Discussion

  • Outline Revision

  • Rough draft

  • Write Exemplification Draft 1



Exemplificatio n Draft 1

  • AAG Ch. 4 & 6

  • Bailey 1.2, 1.4, 1.6

  • Reading for Thinking, Discussion, and Writing

  • Exemplification self-reflection

  • Academic Writing for International Students (Bailey) Units 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.11, 2.13

  • “Why Simple is Smart,” by Derick Thompson, The Atlantic



Feedback from Cheryl on Exemplification Google Doc

  • AAG 3

  • Baily 2.11, 2.13

  • Thompson, 2022

  • The Writing Process: Revising and Editing

  • Punctuation, Format, Style

  • Exemplification Draft 2



Exemplification Essay Draft 2

  • AAG 4 (summary)

  • Bailey 1.7, 1.8

  • APA and MLA formatting

  • Signal phrases

  • Reading for Thinking, Discussion, and Writing g

  • Self-reflection midterm entry

  • Choose 3 Baileys that you need

9 .


Midterm exam

AAG Unit 9

Cause & Effect

  •  ( Pp. 155-178 ) exercises

  • Bailey 2.2

  • Assignment: Reading-Based Writing Topics

  • Cause-Effect Thesis and Outline

  • Cause-Effect Outline & Thesis Statement

  • Post your thesis statement to Moodle Forum by Sunday

  • Give feedback on 3 classmates' thesis statements before class




Cause and Effect

  • Conference on outlines & thesis statements

  • Peer Review

  • Revision

  • Rough draft

  • Cause-Effect Draft 1



CE D1Due

Cause and Effect

  • D 1 Discussion, Peer Review, Revision Plan

  • Cause-Effect Draft 2



CE D2Due

AAG Unit 13

Argument : Writing to Influence

  • pp. 225-245

  • Argument Proposal (Assignment: Work-based writing Topics)

  • Thesis statement development

  • Argument Proposal Outline & Thesis Statement

  • Post your thesis statement to Moodle by Sunday

  • Give feedback on at least 3 classmates' thesis statements before class



Arg OL Due

Argument Proposal

  • Outline Discussion, Peer Review, Revision Plan

  • Argument Proposal Draft 1



Arg D1 Due

Argument Proposal

  • Draft 1 Discussion, Peer Review, Revision Plan

  • Argument Proposal Draft 2



Arg D2 Due

AAG Unit 8

Process Analysis: Writing About Doing

  • pp. 137-155

  • Informative Process Analysis Assignment: Course reflection for future students

  • Process Analysis Outline & Thesis Statement

  • Post your thesis statement to Moodle by Sunday

  • Give feedback on at least 3 classmates' thesis statements before class



Process Analysis Outline

Process Analysis

  • Peer Review

  • Conferences

  • Informative Process Analysis Outline and Draft 2




Process Analysis

  • Course reflection Oral Report for classmates





Process Analysis Upload



Teaching Methods
Teaching Assistant

Course Assistant maintains records, prepares materials, manages Moodle, and communicates with students when necessary. 



  • 10%: Participation*

  • 10%: Midterm

  • 80%: Essays (Outline, Draft 1, Draft 2, reflection) associated with each essay

    • Exemplification (10%)

    • Cause-Effect (20%)

    • Argument (20%)

    • Process-Analysis (30%)


Your participation grade will be based on your attendance and your contribution to the learning experience of others.

  • Attendance will be taken at most class meetings. If you are not yet present when role is called, let me know so you can be marked tardy.

    • If you are ill or will be absent for a good reason, let me know in advance.

    • You may receive points for attendance if you are representing your department or NCCU in an activity or participating in another worthwhile event.

    • Let me know if you are ill.

    • If you are absent without good reason for 6 class meetings, your final Process-Analysis essay will not be graded.  

  • Contribution includes your in-class questions to the instructor, creative insights and comments regarding class content, answers to the instructor’s questions, and reactions to other students’ contributions (Points are awarded for peer review, forum posts, and any other activities).


Must be done before class.

Pay close attention to the instructions given in class and on Moodle!

Google Drive:  Your folder is where you should work on drafts. You must have one folder for each assignment. Your outlines and essays need to be in your Google folder to receive feedback during drafting and writing process from Dr. Sheridan and your peers. Your files must have proper names (see below).

Moodle uploading for official submission and evaluation:

    • Date/Time due is the hour that class starts.

    • Cut-off is one hour after class on the due date. Nothing can be uploaded after this time.

    • Do not wait until the last minute to upload your work to Moodle because you may have technical problems.

    • For any assignment, 1 to 3 bonus points will be awarded for uploading the correct work with correct format by due date/time, with proper file names. You will not know for which assignments. Do not miss this chance for bonus points!

Late work:

    • You must contact Dr. Sheridan in advance to request an extension in advance.

    • If you miss a class, do not assume you can hand in the work the following week.

    • IF work is submitted late without extension, 10% will be deducted from the grade for each week late.

    • In-class assignments and quizzes cannot be made up.

For online Moodle assignments, the assignment closes one hour after class on the due date.

Prepare before class: Textbook reading and exercises. You will be expected to be able to respond to questions about the textbook exercises. There may be unannounced quizzes on reading materials.

Documents and Files: Keep your files in Google Docs organized and labeled properly. Be sure to back up your work on a thumb drive/and or your computer. Keep all work until final grades have been submitted. Prepare hard copies when needed: You should have a multi-pocket folder or folders to keep your papers for this class. These will include the outlines and drafts for your compositions, peer review sheets, evaluation sheets, teacher feedback, etc.

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: It is expected that you will do all of your own work and writing in this class. Copying and cheating of any sort, including online/electronic writing generators, will not be tolerated. If any are detected, the student will, at minimum, receive “0” for that assignment or exam. Regarding plagiarism in writing assignments, the student will have the opportunity to rewrite the assignment. If there is a second infraction, the student will fail the class.  


  • Assignments are due on the hour class starts on the due date. You must upload PDF with proper file name. See above for deadline details and below for file name model.

  • For every assignment, you will save your work-in-progress in your Google G Suite folder.

  • Files must be given proper file names in this format:

    • Class_Name+Student#_assignment_Draft (if appropriate) submission date

    • Ex: 112.1-Wed_HsuReiYong_111999999_CE-D2_22.09.30

    • (OL=Outline; CE=Cause-Effect etc.; D1=Draft 1; D2=Draft2)

  • For each major essay assignment (below**), you will ALSO upload to the Moodle Assignment the following (all files and headers must reflect the assignment and draft):

    1. Outline (and any revisions)

    2. Draft 1

    3. Draft 2

    4. Your Reflection Revision Report

Format for written assignments:

  • Typed and printed on A4 paper

  • 2 cm margins on all sides

  • All lines double spaced, even between paragraphs

  • The title of your composition centered and NOT bold.

  • First line of each paragraph indented 5 spaces.

  • Use  the Header: At the top of the first page include:

    • Your Chinese name and either Romanization or “English” name

    • Your student number

    • The class of mine that you attend (Wed or Thurs)

    • A few words that identify the assignment

    • The date that the assignment is due

  • Use “Footer”: At the bottom center insert a page number

  • Save as PDF for Moodle upload

Detailed Information for Each Assignment is Provided on Moodle

EMAIL (Completion credit/not graded)

You will compose a short email about your motivations and goals for the course and send to the instructor

PARAGRAPH (In-class writing completion credit)

You will write a paragraph (200-300 words) describing your "Bliss Station" using the seven steps for a strong paragraph: a topic sentence, supporting evidence, and concluding sentence. 


You will create and submit formal outlines for each writing assignment. Evaluation based on complete, detailed, properly formatted outline submitted on time.


You will write an essay based on the “General Topics” or “Career-Related Topics” listed in the textbook. The essay content must derive from your experience and observations and follow the assignment description in Moodle.


You will write an essay based on the “Reading-Based Writing Topics” that analyze the reasons and/or results of some situation or event. Although you will be engaging with the assigned readings, you are expected to reflect on your own perspectives and experiences .


You will compose a persuasive academic essay based on the “Career-Related Topics” (p. 243) in the textbook. The purpose is to make a proposal to solve a problem and persuade your reader to implement your plan. You must use good evidence , which must include citing articles that you find through your own research


For your last (mostly independent) essay, you will write an “Informative Process Analysis” essay reflecting on this course. It will include what you have done during the semester and your progress during the semester. It should reflect what you have learned in the course and so may include elements or narrative, process, argument, etc. You will need to refer directly to your essays, reflections, and comments from peer reviewers and your instructor. You will give a short oral report to the class summarizing the content during Week 17. You will not write a revision report for this essay.


Textbook & Reference


• At a Glance: Writing Essays and beyond with Integrated Readings

• Published by: Cengage

• ISBN-13: 978-1-285-44464-2

Copies will be available at the campus bookstore (正大?store) Sold by HI Language Learning 



Quizlet: 15 Logical fallacies flashcards

Urls about Course
Moodle Google Drive (G Suite)